Enter to find peace
Worship to renew the spirit
Go out and make a difference

Mt Lehman United Church
~ Established 1894 ~

Grace to you and peace as you join us in worship.
The Lord is hospitable, and it’s our privilege to share that hospitality with each other.

Followed by refreshments and fellowship
For those who can't be with us in person, we also share our service online

Men's Breakfast
Join Rev Kim Taylor for the monthly men’s breakfast at Roseland Restaurant in Abbotsford, held the first Saturday of the month, starting at 8am.
33550 South Fraser Way #12,
Abbotsford, BC V2S 5G7

Where everybody knows your name
From the outside, the little white church on the hill is a landmark surrounded by rolling fields, horses, vineyards, flowers, trees and quiet country roads.
​When you step inside the doors you will find a community. You can almost feel stress dissolve as you walk from the car to the door. ​Smiles abound, and we commune with one another with joy and caring as we share in the love of the Lord.​

Community & Connection
We pray for each other - we take care of each other.
We love to laugh and spend time in fellowship - after every Sunday service we gather for tea/coffee and delicious treats.
We celebrate the seasons and enjoy gathering for potluck dinners, picnics and relaxed social activities.
Our choir meets every Wednesday from 3-4pm to prepare an anthem for the Sunday service. We enjoy friendship and fellowships that share a love of music and appreciate the value that praise through song brings to our worship services.